Educator Award Opportunities
CAG in action grant
Founded in 1961, the California Association for the Gifted is an organization of educators, parents, and community members who believe that just as giftedness is defined by diverse academic, social, and emotional traits and abilities, giftedness is also identified within the diverse Preschool – 12th grade student populations in our schools. The organization provides the resources to support understanding of appropriate developmental and differentiated identification and curriculum practices. By focusing on the gifts, talents, and potential of students, CAG’s philosophy and practices enrich the education of all students. CAG is involved at the local, state, national, and international levels, implementing research-based training in differentiation and advocating to help ensure that the academic and affective needs of gifted learners are met.
California’s GATE Standards require that all teachers with gifted students in their classrooms must be trained in meeting the special needs of these students. Although it is up to local school districts to determine the requirements, many school districts look to CAG as a mark of quality training. Since the advent of Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plans, many districts have set aside limited funding to assist teachers in acquiring the necessary training to best serve the needs of gifted and advanced learners. It is the intent of this grant to endow educators an opportunity to receive appropriate training to then meet the needs of California’s students and effect change in their educational community.
Money from the grant will be awarded to teachers, administrators, and professionals who serve gifted children to offset the registration costs of attending California Association for the Gifted events with the understanding that educators would become part of a CAG Learning Community and go back to their sites/districts to implement and share strategies learned with teachers at their sites/districts.
Grant applications to attend the inaugural CAG Access webinar are due on or before May 15, 2020. Monies will be awarded six weeks prior to the CAG event you wish to attend. For example, the CAG Access Webinar is July 29 – 31, 2020. The endowment will be awarded on June 19, 2020. Up to ten grants will be awarded for each CAG event.
Applications | Educator
Educator Award Applications
Due January 17, 2025
Applications | Student
Student Award Applications
Educator Award Recipients
2020 Distinguished Service Award Winners
- Charlotte Elberfeld
- David Manier
- Dr. MaryAnn Hawke
- OCC Gate