CAG Annual Conference
Keynote Speakers
February 26, 2021
8:00-9:00 a.m. Pre-Conference Keynote with Dr. Sandra Kaplan
1:00-3:15 p.m. Pre-Conference Curriculum Writing and Planning with Dr. Sandra Kaplan
(Select Pre-Conference during registration. Limited capacity event.)
February 27-28, 2021 Keynote speakers will be announced soon
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Sandra Kaplan
Dr. Sandra Kaplan is the editor of the Gifted Education Communicator, past President of the California Association for the Gifted and chair of both the Blue Ribbon Committee and Education Committee for the organization. Dr. Kaplan’s research focuses on non-traditional identification instruments to recognize underrepresented students as gifted. Dr. Kaplan has been recognized for her work, receiving the Award for Excellence from the Council of Exceptional Children, Service and Achievement awards from the National Association for Gifted Children, and the Research Award from the California Association for the Gifted.